
Tips for command prompt

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Turn on Quick Edit Mode. This will allow you to easily select, copy and paste all with just your mouse and a right click.

When typing in a file or folder name, type in part of the name and then hit the . TAB key to bring up matches. Use SHIFT +TAB to go the other direction
When searching for a file, type in dir part_of_filename* to look for the file in the folder. To search sub directories as well, append the /s flag as well. Example: dir exp* /s

Use the up arrow to go back over past commands. Alternatively you can hit F7 and go directly to the command.

When working with network drives type: prompt $m$p$g to show the full network path along with the drive prompt. Other prompt settings can be found by running prompt /?.

You can print the contents of a file by typing: copy file.txt prn
Write the output of any command by appending > output.txt. For example, dir > filelist.txt