
John the ripper tutorial

Sunday, December 2, 2007

inside the file i targeted i found the hashed password like this


so saved to list ready to crack , i called mine MD5pass for this lesson

this is what jtr will be cracking,

after you have several passwords to various sites you can begin jtr or just use a single hashed password ..its up to you

now there are many ways to crack the file using jtr am just going to use the basic
one i find the easiest but slowest to use...there are plenty of jtr guides around for more detail cracking modes

common modes are

john -si [passfile]

john -w:[wordlist] [passfile]

john -i [passfile]

there are other modes using digits,alpha,all...they all do the same thing... anyway on to basics

assuming you have john in C:\ directory just type

c:\john -i MD5pass.txt

image 1

after several minutes\hours you should have something like this with cracked passwords if you take a look at the image

after 21 minutes it had cracked 13 of the 36...not bad after 3hrs 24min 18 cracked...half done btw each password cracked is a up to now 18 possible targets

image 2

to check progress hit any key

to stop the cracking hit Ctrl+c session aborted

to view your results type:

c:\john -show MD5pass.txt>result2.txt....this will save the file called result2.txt in the jtr root like this

image 3

you now have the password to gain access to the ftp,or whatever

to resume your cracking


c:\john -restore

will load the remaning uncracked passwords and resume attempts from were it left off

image 4

JTR Commands and Modes

**if you look in the doc folder that came with JTR it gives you details on how to use them**

hope you enjoyed the tutorial...remember if you do gain access to a site\server please inform the admin

i hold no resposibility for your actions